Thursday, August 13, 2020

What is Linux System Administrator and Steps to Start Your Career

 A Linux system administrator or SysAdmin is an IT specialist who oversees the life of Linux software installed on a server, computer, or other hardware, including network devices. As a Linux system administrator, your responsibilities include software installation, daily application maintenance, and a general understanding of Linux operating systems. As part of the regular maintenance team, you need to monitor the status of the system and make sure the security areas are up to date for the network systems to work well for commercial users.

What Does a Linux Administrator Do?

A Linux administrator is an IT expert and a people administrator. Administrators monitor their team and ensure that all employees are in action and that the project progresses according to the plan. Linux Engineers can train other team members and leaders. You monitor one or more servers and make sure they are healthy. Perform periodic backups and administer patches as necessary.

Seven Steps to Start Your Linux SysAdmin Career

Linux is hot right now. Everyone is looking for talent for Linux. Recruiters are pushing everyone with Linux experience to the door, and there are tens of thousands of jobs waiting to do.

But what if you want to take benefit of this trend and you do not know Linux yet? How do you start?

1. Install Linux

I should be almost natural, but the first key to learning Linux is installing Linux. The LFS101x and LFS201 courses provide detailed sections on installing and configuring Linux for the first time.

2. Take LFS101x

If you are new to Linux, it is best to start with our free introductory course in Linux LFS101x. This online course, hosted by, covers the various tools and techniques that Linux system administrators and end-users use to perform their daily work in a Linux environment. It is intended for experienced computer users who have limited or no familiarity with Linux, regardless of whether they work in an individual or business environment. This course will give you excellent hands-on Linux skills from a graphical and command-line perspective, so you can easily navigate through the leading Linux distributions.

3. Look at LFS201

Once you've completed LFS101x, you can get started on the most complex tasks in Linux that you need as a professional system administrator. To acquire these skills, you should use LFS201 Essentials of Linux System Administration. The course provides detailed explanations and instructions on each topic as well as many exercises and labs to help you gain real and hands-on experience with the subject.

If you prefer to be taught by a live instructor, or if you have an employer who would like to support you as a Linux system administrator, Linux System Administration LFS220 may be of interest to you as well. This course covers similar topics as the LFS201 course but will be taught by a skilled instructor who will direct you through the labs and answer any questions you may have about the topics covered in the class.

4. Practice!

Practice makes perfect, and this applies to both Linux and any musical instrument or sport. Use Linux regularly after installation. Repeat the essential tasks until you can quickly run them without reference material. Learn all about the command line and the graphical interface. This approach ensures that you have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed as a professional administrator of the Linux system.

5. Get Certification

Now that you are familiar with LFS201 or LFS220 and have completed some practical tasks, you can now hire Linux Administrator and obtain accreditation as a system administrator. You need this certification because you can show employers that you have the skills to become a professional Linux system administrator.

There are currently several Linux certifications on the market, and they all have their place. However, most of these certifications refer to a specific distribution (such as Red Hat) or are based solely on knowledge and have no real understanding of Linux. Certified Linux Foundation System Administrator certification is an excellent alternative for those looking for flexible and meaningful entry level certification.

6. Participate

Now, you may also consider joining a local Linux user group (or LUG) if there is one in your area. These groups are usually made up of people of all ages and levels of experience. No matter where you are interested in Linux, you can find people with similar skills or more advanced Linux users who can help you answer questions and suggestions. To find out if there is a LUG near you, visit, contact a university, or search on the Internet.

7. Learn to Love the Documentation

Finally, if you are stuck on Linux, do not forget the documentation that comes with Linux. With the man (for the manual), information, and help commands, you can find information on virtually any aspect of Linux directly from the operating system. The usefulness of these integrated resources can not sufficiently be emphasized. He will use them throughout his career to know them from the beginning.

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