Monday, June 1, 2020

Site surveys that improve your wireless network

1 - Overview of Predictive Sites
They are often understood; this type of pre deployment site survey offers cost and time efficiency and is very accurate. Using RF and specialized algorithms, site surveys will produce RF projections in your specific environment.
In our experience, this software is very accurate and gives you incredible insight into their environment. In combination with an experienced wireless service provider, a successful design can be achieved even in high-density areas. The key to a good predictive survey is to have as much information as possible. We recommend creating floor plans and blueprints.
2 - Survey on physical locations
This type of wire recommended for more complex wireless purposes. This usually affects applications from AP to AP and is often conceptually sensitive. For example, RTLS in hospitals, wireless video surveillance and multimedia over the air.
Typically, an on-site survey uses the projected results to compare them to the wireless design and create that design in the light of real-life interference or noise. It's important to simulate applications running on the network to make sure they are working correctly.
3 - passive
With these survey types, you can capture RF data from all access points in a specific area and review your design requirements. This feature allows you to save WiFi thermal maps, giving you a good overview of the extent of your coverage and the presence of holes at different levels.
Key design elements that passive validation can support include primary and secondary RSSI interference, noise, SNR, and co-channel interference.
4 - After validation
A wireless network design can be great on paper, but real success is that it does exactly what it needs to support. A site survey after validation will ensure that your new network meets the requirements you set at the beginning of your design.
Areas to consider include data rates, radio device ratios, jitter, latency and quality of service, high density and co-channel interference, and other RF characteristics.
You can even use an application performance test to test your network on the application side and get a single view of your network performance.
It is important to understand the different types of site studies. To find out when you need it and to make sure your next wireless network is working correctly. In this way, we are confident that your stress level will undoubtedly decrease.
The Definitive Checklist on Wireless Site Survey
1. Identify your wireless needs
Before running the actual survey on the site, it is essential to consider your wireless network needs. What is the desired speed and bandwidth? How many client devices will access the network simultaneously? What emission power will they have? These are all factors to consider before starting your investigation.
2. Get a floor plan
The next step is to get a diagram of the area covered by the network. Construction plans are perfect, but a fire evacuation diagrams can be used if it does not exist. On the floor plan, note the positions of walls, stairwells, elevators and other elements that could lump wireless signals.
3. Perform a detailed procedure
The ideas are useful, but they do not tell the whole story. You will need to complete a complete survey on the wireless coverage area, detecting all the crucial elements that are not included in the projects.
4. Evaluate the current infrastructure
Find locations where you can mount wireless access points, such as ceilings and pillars, and note the locations of existing wired network cabinets and existing access points.
5. Determine areas to cover
Where is it most important for users to have high bandwidth? Offices, meeting rooms, and meeting rooms are usually essential. Is good coverage needed even in corridors, bathrooms, stairwells and elevators? Do not forget the service areas that can accommodate wireless equipment. Indicate these areas on the map. Being strategic in the spaces to be covered, you will obtain a powerful and efficient network.
6. Decide temporary positions of the access point
Based on the considerations above, develop some initial ideas for the location of access points. Be sure to check the extent of coverage of your access points. Create overlaps between nearby access points to ensure seamless roaming, dynamic load balancing, and network resiliency.
7. Participate in a survey on the wireless site
Here are some options. You can install the wireless site detection software on a laptop or purchase a specialized survey tool. In any case, place your wireless access point in each of the temporary slots, then use the poll tool to collect data at different times. The software records the connected access point, the transmission rate, the power and the signal quality. The more complete the procedure, the more useful the survey will be.
8. Refine the locations of the access points
Based on the data you collect, play as you move access points to find the optimal places. Experimentation at this stage will pay off once the network installed.
9. Save the results
Once you have found the best locations for access points, save them on floor plans. Congratulations - your wireless network is now designed and ready for deployment. However, keep in mind that wireless polls should be done at regular intervals to maintain high performance. Radio environments can modify with new wireless devices or new furniture. The locations of the access points will need to be adjusted periodically.
As you can see, many steps lead to a successful survey on the wireless site. It is an important task, the result of which affects the daily performance of your network. That's why we recommend leaving this to the professionals. Turnkey technologies have vast experience in conducting wireless surveys for a wide range of businesses. Contact us today to start your study on the broadcast website.

Also Read: WAN Stands for

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