Friday, May 29, 2020

Fiber Optics: How it Works, Uses, Installation, and Salaries

Fiber Optics, including spelled optical fiber, the science of transmitting data, speech, and images by the passage of light through thin, transparent fibers. In telecommunications, fiber optic technology has practically replaced copper wires in telephone lines and is used to connect computers in local networks. Fiber optics are also the basis of fiberscopes, which apply to examine the internal parts of the body or to inspect the interior of manufactured goods.
The essential support of optical fiber is a skinny fiber, sometimes plastic, but usually glass. Typical fiberglass has a diameter of 125 microns (μm) or 0.125 mm (0.005 inches). This is actually the diameter of the sheath or the outer reflective layer. The core or internal transfer cylinder can have a diameter of only 10 μm. Mountain. A process known as total reflection allows irradiated light rays in the fiber to propagate long distances within the core with remarkably low attenuation or intensity reduction. The degree of attenuation over the range varies depending on the wavelength of the light and the composition of the fiber.
When glass fibers of core/sheath design were introduced in the early 1950s, the presence of contaminants limited their use to short lengths sufficient for endoscopy. In 1966, England-based electrical engineers Charles Kao and George Hockham proposed using fibers for telecommunications. And in less than two decades, quartz glass fibers were made with enough purity to transmit light signals. Infrared for 100 km (60 miles) or more without having to be reinforced by repeaters. In 2009, Kao honored for his work with the Nobel Prize in Physics.
How FiberOptics Works
The light guide through a fiber optic cable by being repeatedly reflected on the walls. Every tiny photon (light particle) bounces off the tube-like a bob over an ice rink. Now you can expect a light beam to escape from the edges through a transparent glass tube. Though, if the light hits the glass at a very shallow angle (less than 42 degrees), it is reflected again - as if the glass were really a mirror. This phenomenon is called total reflection. It is one of the things that keep the light in the tube.
The other element that keeps the light in the tube is the structure of the cable, which consists of two separate parts. The main part of the cable - is called the core and is the bit through which the light passes. Another layer of glass, called a coating, is wrapped around the outside of the core. The surface has the task of keeping the light signals at the center. It is possible because it is made of a different type of glass than the core. (Technically, the coating has a lower refractive index.)
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Uses for fiber optics
Pulling the light through a pipe seems like a tasty scientific trick, and you couldn't believe there would be many practical uses for something like this. But just as electricity can drive many types of machines, light rays can carry many types of information - and help us in many ways. We do not notice how fiber-optic cables have become every day because of the laser-powered signals. They transmit sparkle well below our feet, deep beneath the office buildings and city streets. The technologies that use it - computer networks, broadcasting, medical scanning and military equipment (to name just four) - are almost invisible.
Fiber Optics Installer

A fiber installer is responsible for installing, preparing, and troubleshooting fiber optic cables and systems. The person skilled in the art designs optical paths and passive optical networks. They have a good understanding of cable types, cable color codes and other cabling techniques. This specialist must deal with all problems related to the installation of optical fibers.
The person skilled in the art has a thorough knowledge of the most important specifications and parameters. It is the responsibility of the fiber optic installer to check the newly installed cables. The installer must troubleshoot fiber optic cable and other network systems. You are responsible for splicing optical fibers mechanically or using a fusion splicer.
The fiber optic installer completes and tests the fiber optic with a plug on the device. You have to design the entire fiber-optic system and take care of the construction of fibers and cables. It is the cable installer who is in charge of installing the end connectors. Experts need to know the factors that affect the fibers well.
They design the entire fiber optic system and maintain the construction of fibers and cables. You must have a good knowledge of optical fiber cable jobs and optical time domain reflectometers (OTDR). The installer must also be able to test the spliced ​​fibers with an OTDR. An installer set-up services for new customers and manage existing devices. You should be able to recognize and resolve problems with lines and networks. The fiber cable installer is responsible for installing the end caps. Fiber optic specialist examines the connectors with a wattmeter and a light source. Driver/Installer completes and tests the fiber optic cable with a plug at the outlet of the central unit.
Salary for the Fiber Optic Installer
Based on an estimate of the actual wage, the average salary for Fiber Optics Installer ranges from around $ 14.60 an hour for beginners to $ 19.60 an hour for field technicians. Agreeing to Glassdoor, the national average salary for fiber optic installers in the United States is $ 32,598.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What is the Scope of Work: 6 Examples and Guidelines for Writing SOW

The workload (SOW) is the most important stage of the discovery process, as it forms the basis for the future of the project. The terms of reference should include milestones, deadlines, results, and expectations. If a workload is not clear and detailed, the probability of failure or lack of communication with the client increases.
The SOW provides the necessary address for the project. In this way, the customer can meet all critical deadlines and ideas before receiving delivery. The SOW also allows the provider to clarify all questions and understand expectations before the next step. This movement aligns the vision and responsibility of both parties to ensure a successful final product.
Guidelines for Writing SOW
The Scope of Work (SOW) is the scope of an agreement that describes the work to be performed. The Terms of Reference must include all the milestones, reports, services, and final products that the executing Party is expected to provide. The terms of reference must also include a calendar for all deliverables.
The problem with most workspaces is the lack of specificity, that is when the two parties disagree with what should have been delivered, and one review of the SOW does not support one interpretation over the other. This problem is widespread in research agreements and often occurs where disputes occur. The best way to escape this problem is to avoid any ambiguity.
Scope of work must include the following components:
1. Glossary:
In the glossary, spell out any acronyms used in the SOW. Also, add definitions of weird or unusual terms. Think of the document from the perspective of a person who does not work in a particular industry or discipline.
2. Problem Statement:
Briefly describe the problem to be resolved with this exam (1 or 2 paragraphs are Ok). Describe the scientific and technological basis, i.e., the current state of the art or the development of the area to be promoted.
3. Objectives of the agreement
At the start of this section, complete the following sentence (please be brief):
The goal of this project is...
Complete the sentence by briefly describing the objectives and explaining how to achieve them. Goals can be technical, economic, or social. Please be brief, maximum two to three sentences.
4. Purpose of the contract/services
Complete this section with measurable or identifiable project objectives at the end of this agreement. Here, the facilities provided must be listed. The services provided consist of a task and a final product.
Poor example:
Task: Assess classroom needs for public health awareness.
Deliverable: Write a program to meet your needs.
The difficulty with sow scope of work example above is that nothing is said. The task must be measurable, and quantifiable.
Good Example:
Task: Survey of 4 classes with 20 asthma-sensitized students. Each class answers a questionnaire containing 25 questions, assessing their general knowledge about public health-related asthma. An examiner should need about one hour to complete the survey with each class and another two hours per class to interpret the data.
Available: A 10-hour postgraduate program of up to 20 participants treats deficiencies in public health education in the prevention and treatment of asthma.
By reading the task and the deliverables, the administrative staff must be able to build the budget associated with the specifications. More importantly, there should be no question about the expectations of the exporting party when testing delivery items. A performance description can contain many results, but each must be broken down into tasks and end products to indicate what expected.
5. Administration
If there are meetings, calls, conferences, or other "informal" results, they should list in the Administration section of the service description. Any request that is not the end product of a particular task but is submitted by the performing party should describe in the Administration section of the mandate.
Poor example:
PI is asked to produce weekly progress reports during the soybean season, with more frequent reports during the high season.
The issue with the example above is that it does not specify what should be in the reports, which means "more often" and when the "hard time" is.
The PI is required to produce weekly reports, including analysis of wind patterns, fungal spore distribution, and potential risk areas. During the high season, from May 15 to July 15, CP may be asked to submit reports twice a week.
6. Timeline
This section contains all the data of the project. It specifies the dates of the tasks and the services to be provided. It also covers data for the central part of SOW.
There should be no ambiguity in the expectations of the exporting party between the glossary, the problem definition, the objectives of the agreement, the objectives/achievements, and the administrative components of the SOW. Together, these elements must provide a complete picture of what is expected when and in what form, taking into account specific requirements.

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

What is an Enterprise Support Engineer: 5 Common mistakes in working with Enterprise Support

Enterprise Support Engineer: Summary
As an Enterprise Support Engineer (ESE), you work directly with our most significant and most strategic business customers to identify, identify, and resolve your technical issues.
You become a trusted advisor and client advocate for accounts in your assigned portfolio: you get to know the customer's environment. Provide expert technical support and understand and defend your needs. It manages "business-critical" support escalations and acts as an active member of the account team.
In this role, you are accountable for working with important multi-level customer contacts, from technical and administrative contacts to executives. It helps identify IT goals, uncover customer weaknesses, make recommendations, and identify current and future IT needs. You will perform a significant role in helping our customers avoid unplanned disruptions by providing proactive guidance and recommendations for best operational practices, both tactical and strategic.
In this role, it is a crucial element to ensure the highest level of customer involvement. Through regular contact with your assigned customers, you will build deep relationships and use these relationships to conduct conversations that will ultimately help to gather detailed profiles of our clients. By capturing data and a deep-seated interest in questions, you can use your trusted advisor position to examine and understand key initiatives within your customer base and identify the areas in which BlueCat products can help achieve those goals.
5 Common mistakes in working with Enterprise Support
When your company enrolls in commercial support, it makes sense to leverage financial investment. However, I have seen several ways in which companies collaborate with commercial backing, resulting in poor results.
1. Do not think that Enterprise Support replaces employee training.
You may be asking relatively basic questions for AWS support. However, if you are primarily concerned with the commercial backing to answer basic questions about the use of this service, you can better spend your money on hiring in-house staff who are already familiar with AWS concepts. Despite all efforts, AWS cannot handle its applications as internal staff can and should.
2. DO NOT treat business support personnel as if you were the enemy.
Because they are not, I have seen people who have drawn definite lines between "us" and "them." These begin at the level of communication errors and continue in the area of ​​empathy errors.
Yes, I understand that you want to keep company information secret. You don't want to explain that the technical problem you are trying to solve is classifying Twitter for dogs' pets by breed and size. But you must find an acceptable way to share what you are trying to do, or professionals have a limited ability to help you. If you refuse to tell your account team what you are working on, you will not be bothered if it turns out that AWS is launching a service that will solve your specific problem.
AWS offers multiple services that can help solve everyday problems. It always amazes me how many times I see a structural problem in a client's environment that reflects what happens in another client's situation. If you are trying to move data from one place to another or omit a frustrating restriction on the AWS offer (or your perception of that restriction), talk to your account team first.
3. DO NOT be rude to the business support team.
If your first answer to any AWS service incident is to blame your answering machine, you're not just wasting your money, and you're also an idiot. TAMs are customer-oriented support staff. They cannot cause business interruptions (well, not without much creativity!), To break down business operations or to demand specific answers from customers of engineers who do everything in their power to respond to the disruption. By shouting at them, you become the commercial version of someone calling Dell to tell the poor phone support representative that your laptop is not working correctly.
You have the right to be upset when a service you pay for fails. However, it is not a productive use of one's time to eliminate this frustration in people who are often as dark as you.
4. YES, treat Business Support as more than a paid ticket tracking service.
Typically, engineers operate business support as if the sole responsibility of the support team was to track their AWS tickets. While tickets are essential (unfortunately, they are one of the few ways large companies internally communicate between multiple units), this is the smallest part of what enterprise support engineer companies offer. If you see support only in terms of troubleshooting, it makes more sense and more economically to hire a few people with the necessary skills to perform this function.
5. Understand that you need to restore the relationship regularly.
Business support has many benefits, but only if you and your team know they exist. To this end, it is crucial to understand how the relationship with the AWS era changes. You hire new staff; they shift the crew to an end, and suddenly you have a team of developers that have never officially submitted to commercial support. Update and renew this relationship regularly, especially if the organization has staff on both sides.

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Monday, May 18, 2020


 Is Freelancing Online A Right Career?
The freelancer may not be a Y-type thing, but a full-time freelance career. It takes a lot of courage to decide if someone should make you a complete online freelancer or if you work as a side job for passive income. The freelancer comes with the taste of good and evil, but when done right, it brings excellent benefits of freedom, money, and peace — no boss, no rules, no fixed hours and working from anywhere.
You may have read many success stories about freelancing and this might tempt you enough to start a freelance career. But, before you make any decisions, let me show you the freelancer side. Did you think? Although he has such a practical career choice, very few get to the top and have been a career choice for a long time? Why doesn't everyone succeed in the career of freelancers?
It is because the freelancer does not just go online to freelance sites and starts doing projects. It takes much more than your skills to reach your goal and goals. Before living a dream life, you must go through many obstacles. So, if you plan on selecting a career, do you want to make it right for you or not?
Freedom never becomes free, so there are some factors worth considering before choosing a full-time freelance career:

Should you do freelancing online as a career?
It doesn't matter if you are a freelance writer, freelance blogger, freelance designer, freelancer or freelancer; There are few features that need to be in you to succeed and make your career.
What is Freelancing? A basic definition
In essence, self-employment is one where a person works for himself, not for a company. While freelancers work contractually for companies and organizations, they are finally employed.
Freelancers are responsible for all kinds of things other than traditional employees, such as setting working hours, tracking time spent on various projects, invoicing clients, and paying their own labour and business taxes. Workers are not considered "employees" by the companies they work for, but "hired".
Ways to Say "Freelance Jobs"
When looking for work on your own, there are several different terms you need to know. They can be used to help you find job openings and are also helpful in describing yourself and the work you are doing to potential clients, how to apply freelance job online.
·         Freelance work: a term widely used to find freelance jobs.
·         Employ contract: jobs where you are a temporary worker and not a permanent employee.
·         Employ contract: Just like the employment contract.
·         Independent Contractor: Another common way to tell freelancers. Your terms of employment are detailed by a contract with another company or individual. Thus this type of work is classified by the IRS.
·         1020: Used to describe the type of work. For example, "This is a 1020 contract position." It refers to the IRS form that an independent contractor completes: Form 1020-MISC.
·         Contract Counselor: Someone hired for temporary consultations for specific issues within a company.
·         Rent contract: A job that starts as a freelance and independent contractor position, but has the potential to become an ordinary employee position if all goes well.
The most common freelance career fields
As you can see from the FlexJobs freelance job listings, various companies, organizations and government agencies hire freelancers. You will find work in almost every career imaginable, and freelance jobs range from small temporary projects to long-term projects.
Pro Freelance
Taking switch above your job, the customers you work complete, and your revenue are a great benefit of the freelancer. When working independently, you are in the driver's seat. You determine which jobs to work for, the clients you want to work for, and the pay rate Depending on your level of experience, you may be able to work part-time but pay full time.
Flexibility and distance work are also an advantage. Most of the period, working on freelance projects will involve working at your home office and at the times you choose. You have deadlines, but you decide when and where you work.
Against independence
With supreme control, additional responsibilities come. As a worker, you are a business owner and need to keep up with taxes, bills, payments, find your own health insurance, and buy all the software and technologies you need to complete your work.
Banquet or hunger syndrome is another real disadvantage of freelancing. In a few months you will be full of work, while the following month may be a ghost town. You can rely on a consistent contract with a customer, only to find that he no longer needs you suddenly. The freelancer requires proper money management and constant supply of new clients.
Characteristics and characteristics needed as a freelancer
There are some qualities you must possess to prepare for freelance success. While not a comprehensive list, these essential features will give you an idea of ​​where you should focus.
No boss is watching you out of the corner of your eye or colleagues to judge you when you spend an hour shopping online instead of working. It takes discipline to stay on track.
Persistence is always essential, but especially when you're just starting as a freelancer and trying desperately to track down work.
There's a word you'll hear more than any freelancer: no. Refusal is the name of the game, and you will have to let it roll behind you.
You are responsible for many different tasks. You have to keep track of your income and expenses. You must respond promptly to customer emails and be aware of deadlines. You need to keep your files sorted and your workload-optimized.
You don't necessarily have to go out in the traditional sense, but you have to be a little aggressive to get new customers. If you want to grow your business, you will need to be comfortable in the network and approach strangers, either personally or digitally.
Need to be ready to have tough conversations - like negotiating a higher fee or separating with a client - and deal with them tactfully and professionally. Being a freelancer contains a lot of communication. There is no boss or another colleague to take care of this dirty work for you.
Are you ready to become a freelancer?
Finding self-employment should not be difficult. Fieldengineer is partnering with thousands of companies - from Fortune 500 to small businesses - to offer positions in over 50 job categories. Find out more today!

Friday, May 8, 2020

Network Consultant: Definition, Important Features, Tasks, and Salary

The Network Consultant is an experienced and trained professional who certifies the functionality and performance of the network. You are responsible for the design, configuration, and maintenance of computer networks in an organization or at the customer.
The consultants meet with the organization's manager and network engineers to discuss network requirements. They then examine the performance and security of the network. After careful analysis, they suggest changes to improve functionality and conduct a cost-benefit analysis. Next, other consultants review the installation and conduct tests on the new or existing network.
It is a broad title and contains a variety of work. A network consulting engineer cisco can be a network architect, system administrator, security specialist, or a related work specialist in the telecommunications world. Many consultants work alone, and others work full-time. The consultants monitor the entire network to ensure organizational productivity. They also review the implementation of network firewalls and antivirus software.
What Does A Network Consultant Do
Computer networks are essential components of almost all organizations. The administrators of networks and computer systems are responsible for the daily operation of these networks. Organize, install, and support a company's computer systems, including local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), network segments, intranets, and other data communication systems.
The administrators of networks and computer systems usually perform the following actions:
·         Determine the network and computer system requirements of an organization before setting up one
·         Install every network hardware and software and perform the necessary updates and repairs
·         Ensure that the network and computer systems are secure and that all systems are functioning properly
·         Collect info to evaluate and improve network and system performance
·         Enhance users to a network and allocate and update security authorizations on the network
·         User training in the correct management of hardware and software.
·         Understand and solve problems when a user or an automatic monitoring system notifies you that there is one
Administrators manage an organization's servers, as well as mobile and desktop devices. Ensures data and email storage networks work correctly. They also ensure that employees' workplaces function efficiently and remain connected to the central computer network. Some administrators manage telecommunications networks.
In some cases, administrators support network architects in the design and analysis of network models. They also participate in decisions about the purchase of hardware or software in the future to update their company's network. Some network administrators deliver technical support to computer users and can supervise computer support specialists that help solve user problems.
How to become a Network Consultant
Most employers require that network and computer system administrators have a bachelor's degree in computer science or information science. Others may only need proof.
Although some employers only require a post-secondary certificate, most require a bachelor's degree in an area of ​​computer science or information science. Some programs focus on the computer network and system administration. However, as administrators work with computer equipment and equipment, a degree in computer or electrical engineering is generally acceptable. Programs in these areas usually include computer programming, networking, or system design classes.
As network technology changes, administrators need to keep up with the latest developments. Many attend courses throughout their careers and attend an information technology (IT) conferences to stay on the cutting edge of technology. Some companies require an administrator to obtain a master's degree.
Licenses, Certifications, and Registrations
Certification programs are typically offered directly by vendors or vendor-independent certification providers. Cisco and Microsoft offer some of the most public certifications. The certification confirms the knowledge and best practices required by administrators of networks and computer systems. Businesses may need their network and computer system administrators to certified for the item they use.
Important features
Analysis capacity: Administrators need analytical skills to assess network and system performance and determine how changes in the environment affect them.
Communication skills: Administrators should be able to describe the problems and their solutions for non-IT personnel.
Computer skills: Administrators monitor the connections of many different types of computing devices and must ensure that they all work together correctly.
Multitasking capabilities: Administrators may need to work on many problems and tasks at the same time.
Problem-solving skills: Administrators must be able to solve problems that occur in computer networks.
 How much does a Network Consulting Engineer make?
The national average salary for a Network Consulting Engineer is between $ 39,000 and $ 50,000. Network engineer 5 years experience salary in the US earns 90,330 USD. Filter by location to see the network consultant salaries in your area. Its salary estimates are based on 77 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by employees at Network Consulting Engineer.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What is Network Security? Definition and Methods

Network security is a wide-ranging term that encompasses a variety of technologies, devices and processes. In the simplest case, it is a set of instructions and configurations considered to protect the integrity, privacy and accessibility of computer networks and data using software and hardware technologies. Regardless of size, industry or infrastructure, each company needs a certain degree of network security to protect it from the growing threats of the Internet.
The current network architecture is complex and faces a constantly changing threat environment, and attackers always try to find and exploit vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can occur in a variety of areas, including devices, data, applications, users and sites. As a result, today many network security tools and applications are used to address individual threats and exploits, as well as regulatory violations. If only a few minutes of inactivity can cause powerful disruptions and massive damage to a company's balance sheet and reputation, it is vital that these protective measures are taken.
Network Security Methods
To fully implement this type of defense, there are a variety of specialized techniques and types of network security that you want to perform. Cisco, a network infrastructure company, uses the following scheme to break down the different types of network security engineer jobs in USA. Although part of it based on product categories, it is a useful way to think about the different ways to protect a network.
·         Access Control: You must be able to block unauthorized users and devices from accessing your network. Users who have access to the network should be able to work only with the limited resources for which they have been authorized.
·         Anti-Malware: Viruses, worms, and Trojans by definition try to spread across a network and may be inactive for days or weeks on infected computers. Your security measures should do everything to prevent the first infection and to eliminate malware that reaches your network.
·         Application security: Insecure applications are often the vectors used by attackers to access their network. You must use hardware, software and security processes to block these applications.
·         Behavior analysis: You must know what normal network behavior looks like to detect security anomalies or vulnerabilities immediately.
·         Data loss prevention: People are inevitably the weakest security link. They must implement technologies and processes to ensure that employees do not intentionally or accidentally send confidential data outside the network.
·         Email security: Phishing is one of the top common ways for attackers to access a network. Email security tools can block incoming and outgoing confidential information.
·         Firewall: Perhaps the ancestors of network security, follow the rules established to allow or deny traffic on the border among your network and the Internet, creating a barrier between your area of ​​trust and the wild west outdoors. They do not exclude the need for a deep defense strategy, but they remain a necessity.
·         Mobile device and wireless device security: Wireless devices have all the potential security vulnerabilities of another networked device, but can connect to a wireless network in almost every other location, requiring additional verification.
·         Network Segmentation: Software-defined segmentation divides network traffic into different classifications and facilitates the application of security policies.
·         Security and Event Management (SIEM) information: These products are designed to automatically gather information from a selection of network tools to offer the data you need to detect and respond to threats.
·         VPN: A tool (typically based on IPsec or SSL) that authenticates communication between a device and a secure network and creates a secure and encrypted "tunnel" over the open Internet.
·         Web security: You need to be able to control the Internet usage of internal employees to prevent web-based threats from using browsers as a source of infection for your network.
Network Consultant
Network Services Job Description
Network consultants create and maintain network infrastructure and create and maintain secure servers. Although they work internally in several business areas, travel is also common since network consultants are on-site to work on servers and computer systems. Network Consultant jobs are available for full-time and part-time Monday through Friday. However, occasional work during the night and on the weekends may be required to resolve server problems within a limited period. Network consultants often work independently and inform the clients who hire them and the managers who direct them to different locations.
Tasks and responsibilities: Network Consultant.
Network consultants find work in companies with large computer networks, as well as in security companies and computer companies that provide services to other companies. In any business, network consultants must perform the following main tasks:
·         Create and manage domains online
Network consultants create Internet domains and ensure that they continue working. Add additional servers and software as necessary to succeed in online traffic flow.
·         Test protocols and network applications
Network consultants test all protocols and applications used by computers connected to the server to ensure seamless functionality and data security.
·         Solve individual problems
Network consultants solve personal PC problems and application software and train staff in basic computer functions and security protocols using system servers.
·         Create backup programs
Network consultants write programs to back up and restore server data to protect them from losses, viruses, and other problems.
·         Data flow test
Network consultants test the flow of data between routers and modems to ensure there are no system delays or strong communication between the computers and the server network.
·         Write scripts
Network consultants familiar with multiple computer languages ​​write scripts in Java, Python, Perk, and other programming languages.
·         Install and update software
Network consultants keep computer systems up to date by installing new software and updating existing software as it becomes available.

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